As a certified speaker, coach and trainer for the John Maxwell Team, I am so excited about the message I’m going to share with you today. You know one of the things that drives my passion for leadership every day is the fact that I get to bless people and add value to their lives. Allow me to briefly share five pillars of successful leadership.
I. Synergy - For any organization to experience long lasting success it must have a culture of interdependency. This goes beyond mere teamwork. It is a group of individuals bringing their very best to create a world class organization where their combined effort is much greater than the sum of their discrete contributions.
II. Perseverance - When the going gets tough… the tough get going. It will be very difficult some time. The difference between winners and others is that winners keep going no matter what. They invest in themselves. They stick to their goals. They follow the vision. They are overcomers.
III. Inspiration - Follow your passion. When the external need meets the internal passion the percentage of success increases dramatically. There are so many talented people in the wrong role. They have the technical skills to get the job done. But they do not have the passion to excel at it. Albert Einstein said, “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.” What type of team would you have if everyone was passionate and inspired to give their very best?
IV. Role modeling - Set the example. Be the change you want to see in others. As a young leader, I learned to never ask anyone to do anything I would not do or had not done. This concept applies to businesses, churches, government, and other organizations as well. When followers know the leaders are willing to roll up their sleeves, it fosters more trust in the leadership team.
V. Servanthood - Help someone today. The more people you help the more your influence grows. The more your influence grows the more people you can help. It is a never-ending cycle.
Thank you for the time you have spent with me today. I truly appreciate it. If you would like to hear more about these pillars or learn more about my services, please contact me. I would love to hear from you. Feel free to join our mailing list by providing your email address below. Thanks again and live life abundantly.